MsAbilitiesamericaperiodical.pdf Apr. 2014 | Page 11

April 14, First Periodical of Ms. Abilities America, Inc. Ms. Abilities Friendship recognizes the individual who does not know a stranger. This individual is one who creates relationships with everyone they meet, and tries to include everyone in the group. This individual is one who seeks to make sure everyone feels welcomed and no one is left out of the group. This award is in memory of Helena Kamerick. Helena was taken from us suddenly due to cancer . She was an outstanding individual who wanted to give to the world with a golden heart. She wanted to make sure everyone felt welcomed in the group, and always sought to make activities fun loving and entertaining. When she saw someone was in need of friendship, she welcomed the opportunity to give the friendship to the individual. Helena Kamerick from Tahlequah passed away at Grace Living Center on June 30, 2011. She was an angel with a heart of gold for all humankind. She was actively involved with many community activities, including the Renaissance Faire in Muskogee, Wheelchair and Friends at NSU, as well as student congress, and Ms. Wheelchair Oklahoma (America). She held offices in many of her organizations, and was always looking for ways to help make life better. She was about to be crowned as Ms. Abilities Oklahoma (America) within the month; however, she passed before being able to be crowned. 11 | P a g e