MS Brochure 2020/21 MASTER-MA-Brochure-2019-20-single | Page 60

58 Be yourself in a community where everyone is different STUDENT STORY Shannon Mostrom American Dual Degree: Masters in International Business, Masters in Finance, Class of 2019 Do you have a business background? My first degree was actually in ballet. I was a competitive dancer right through high school and trained pre-professionally. I also studied entrepreneurship. There are many skills that are as important in business as they are in dance, such as: a growth mindset, resilience, and confidence. What makes Hult different from other business schools? Hult celebrates diversity more than any other school I’ve gone to. I’m from the U.S. and studying in the U.S. at Hult Boston—but the program has provided me with an incredible international experience. I’ve never been exposed to so many different cultures and nationalities that bring unique ideas and perspectives to every class. What’s been your biggest challenge so far? Initially, working with some people from different cultures was frustrating. There were many of my own cultural standards that I expected others to share. It took adaptability and open-mindedness to approach projects differently. I’ve learned that there are endless ways to approach a problem.