Mr. P: One Named Peter | Magazine October 2017 Issue | Page 31
perception, the right picture, any small mistake, What American musician would you compare
label is calling and saying we don’t like that yourself with?
picture take it down. and Twitter sometimes when Voice-wise; Jenifer Hudson.
I want to drop a quote.
What international collaboration are you look-
Your favourite fashion designer: Valentino red ing forward to?
dress, if he makes one for you, you don enter.
Black coffee; a South African DJ: I love how smooth
he is and his soulful voice still makes you dance.
Your fairytale man: He should be between 6.2 John Legend is a dream. If he was to write a song
and 6.4 in height, dark, have a deep voice, buff and do a duet with me and perform together, it’s as
and big- someone that can carry me.
good as done.
Personality wise; His relationship with God has
to reflect in how he lives his life, sense of humour
is a must, respect for females, respect for strong
women especially. There’s nothing wrong with
liking a chilled woman but I like a man that likes
a fiery woman, someone that listens, basically
someone that’s open.
Favourite quote: Do unto others as others would
do unto you.
How has it been handling the pressure of being
a single mum in the entertainment industry?
Baby mama just comes with a mum, time
is never enough, no matter how much you put in.
What are your future projects and what do you
have in store for us?
The new single is ready, once I’m done pushing this
video out, I’m working on an EP with an incredible
artist from the northern part of Nigeria. The album
would be next year God willing.