Moving Unlimited Moving Made Easy | Page 4

So You’re Moving Into a New Apartment? • For those moving into their first place • Yes, they give you a handy little sheet to list all of the flaws in your new place, but what if you miss something? Everyone has cameras these days to take pictures of every little thing. You may be tempted to only take snaps of the things you would put on your list, but think bigger. • You will need things. You will need a lot of things at some point, but first, you need a place to sleep, a plate, a bowl, a spoon, and a fork. Also, a cup or bottle so that you can avoid running water directly into your mouth. Do not make the mistake of going into debt to furnish and decorate your apartment. Get things free or cheap off of online sales groups. Invite people over so that they can see that you need things and they may gift them to you or pass on their old stuff. Save your money for the bills that are coming. • Speaking of money, save all receipts. Hold on to any and all receipts for moving costs. You may be able to deduct some things on your taxes. • Call your mother.