Moving Tips Learn How to Get Organized During a House Move | Page 21

6. Label, label, label. This may seem obvious but it can fall by the wayside during a busy move. Write down the contents and the destination room on every box. A helpful tip from Good Housekeeping: Be sure to label boxes on all four sides so you know what’s inside when they’re stacked. 7. Wrap your breakables with clothing. It reduces waste and isn’t as messy as newspaper. 8. Time it! To make things more fun and focused, time you’re packing by room to see how fast you can get it done. Check out for more suggestions. 9. Use free boxes. They abound in places like supermarkets, local warehouses and pharmacies. You’ll be saving money and reusing boxes all in one go. 10. Enlist the help of family and friends to make the time go by faster. 11. Keep it light. Avoid accidents by making sure all boxes are less than 50 pounds. 12. Add handles. shows how you can cut triangle handles on the sides of boxes for easy lifting. 13. Keep all your important info in one place. suggests a moving binder. suggests a “last in, first out” box. Remember to keep birth certificates, school, records, mover estimates, new job contracts, utility company phone numbers, recent bank records, current bills, phone lists, closing papers, maps, and more in a safe place. 7.0 Things to Do After Moving Into Your New Home Moving in Perth can be nerve-wracking, exhausting, and overwhelming. There's just so much to do in one day, and that can be a recipe for disaster. Don't make it any harder on yourself than it has to be—this is the beginning of a new life in your new home in Perth, after all. You want your memories of the day to be fond ones. Break down the steps into simple tasks and make yourself a checklist to streamline the process after you buy a house.