Moving Tips Learn How to Get Organized During a House Move | Page 18
A useful tip to ensure a box isn’t lost during the move is to practice taking
inventory – numbering the boxes and checking them off as it goes to help keep
track of its movements. suggests ensuring food in the fridge that doesn’t have a long
perishable period is consumed before the move.
Otherwise, pack the fridge contents in a travel cooler in the last two days before
the move to let the fridge settle.
Once the fridge is moved to the new location, let it settle before storing food.
If all had gone well, furniture dissembling is the last thing done on moving day.
The Spruce says to keep all the parts and pieces together, the smaller pieces in
a zip bag taped to the furniture it belongs to.
A life-hack from the guide says loading the car with boxed kitchen items, while
the removalist are unloading the furniture, provides the opportunity to set up
the kitchen in your new home.
The following days are for cleaning and for the most part decorating.
A new home is a beginning of a space that draws people in through the art of
decorating – this step is probably the most fun part of the moving process.
Do a spring clean. Now is your chance to channel your inner Marie Kondo and
sort through your belongings. The less you have to transport, the quicker and
more efficient your move will be.
Prepare your appliances. Make sure to drain any liquid from your washing
machine and defrost your freezer in advance.
Redirect your mail and change your registered address. This includes your tax,
superannuation and banking information, driver’s licence, Australian Electoral
Commission, car rego, subscription services and any health services.