Moving Tips Learn How to Get Organized During a House Move | Page 16
The planning process can be long and tedious, but shares some
good insights into planning before moving day.
It says taking the time to plan ahead can leave a sufficient amount time to pack
your home the right way for a less stressful move.
One good piece of advice to remember, and is a must-do ahead of time, is to
book a removalist well before the moving date.
This leaves time to think about the packing stage and to sort through things to
keep or give away.
Being well prepared will ensure that if anything happens unexpectedly, boxes
are packed and ready to go.
The important changes like mailing address and utilities closer to the moving
date is another tip that is going to make the process a lot smoother.
The Spruce home site suggests a six-week period allocated for planning is a
good starting point.