Movie Mania Vol. 1 | Page 6



There are several movie genres; from action movies to musicals. But just how many are there? Well we went and we searched for every possible genre there could be for a movie. The result? A LOT of genres.

There's action, adventure, western, thriller, sport, romance, animation movies, biographical movies, comedy films, crime films, documentaries, dramas, "reality TV," news, mysteries, musicals, music movies (big difference from musicals, apparently). Horror films, history films, family films, fantasy films, sci-fi films, talk show movie, war movies, game show movies, and finally, "film-noir" movies.

It is actually rare that you’d find a movie that theoretically falls into only one category. Something that may be a biography may have dramatic elements, and could fit in as a drama as well! Just as how an animated movie falls under animation, but it could also represent almost any other genre, ranging from comedy to war. What about your favorite movies? What categories would it fall into?