Movie Magazine (may.2013) | Page 4

The Hobbit

After The Lord of the Rings , Peter Jackson made another J . R . R Tolkien ’ s novel : The Hobbit . This heroic fantasy movie was released the 12 th of December 2012 .
It ’ s a good idea to adapt a Tolkien ’ s novel because he was a great author making works for young and old people , full of humor and seriousness . Among others , The Hobbit is an interesting story and we can tell P . Jackson kept the different dimensions of the novel in his film like Bilbo , who is surely the most complicated character . The actor plays well and he is true to the original . Gollum too is well interpreted and the viewers can really fell his loneliness , his sadness and that he is truly pitiful . Even if he doesn ’ t appear for a long time , he is well-developped . The images and the effects made by computer are good and well integrated in the movie . The landscapes are beautiful ; it was a very good idea to shoot it in New-Zealand .
However , there are some flaws . First , we ask how and why they made three movies , as long as The Lord of the Rings , although the book is shorter than The Lords of the Rings ones . It ’ s obvious they made a big part of filling . Even if The Hobbit is a story for all ages , they lost , in the movie the childish aspect . The movie steps aside from the original : Frodo and Sarouman who aren ’ t in the book are well-embedded . However all the story around the pale orc is over the top , and the one with the brown wizard is totally ridiculous . The parts of the scenario they added are predictable and low . At the beginning , we ’ re sure the pale orc isn ’ t dead . They didn ’ t respect the fact that the wolves aren ’ t “ some bad mount ” and aren ’ t submissive . They are an autonomous herd and they can speak with Gandalf etc … We can see here that it is not just an action / adventure story . Everybody knows a dwarf is little and , in a good story , a king is representative of his people . So why is the king of the dwarves so big ? He ’ s as tall as the humans ( in Tolkien ’ s story , humans , dwarves , hobbits … are different “ races ”). It is true that The Lords of the Rings is a good movie . The scenario of The Hobbit is great too but , the producer bet on the popularity they made with The Lord of the Rings and took the risk of changing the original story . It is sure they repaid the mountain of money they spent but if they had stayed closer to Tolkien ’ s story and Tolkien ’ s spirit it would have been a lot better .