Move On! Training Course Inclusion of youth through sport | Page 20


Fewer opportunities is a definition very broad, as well as the inclusion topic itself. Some things to remember about it:

1. The term fewer opportunities refers to a situation of young people. Young people are not their labels. They will not carry the same label forever.

2. Within fewer opportunities and NEET, there are a huge range of varieties. Consider each youngster as an individual.

A young person can be considered included when they...


Voluntary take part in an activity

Can concentrate on a task

Observe the rules

Ask for help

Contribute to a discussion

Show patience

Take their own initiative

Make friends

Are accepted by the rest of the group

Show up on time

Help or praise another youngster

Are not afraid of physical contact

Are happy

Inclusion through sport is a process of experimental learning which includes:

Experience + Reflection = Learning

What? (for ex. happened)

So What? (to do about it)

Now what? (to do to next)

Youngster + Youth worker