ed ’ s letter
• We all hated being stuck inside .
• Riding with a mask is just nasty .
• Conspiracy theorists popped up faster than whackamoles .
• Earning less , or worse no income , is rough .
• Worrying about when it ’ s gonna end , if it ’ s real or who it may harm is disturbing .
• Virtual racing and indoor trainers are overrated .
“ crowded ” local trails . We took so much for granted , until one day in March police and military personnel locked down the streets , denying us the option of even a walk down the road !
The scramble for indoor trainers was almost as mad as the running around gardens . It was a bizarre time , especially for us Africans who ’ ve been blessed with sunshine and wide open space since the origins of mankind .
Our freedom , our most basic
Levels 3 through to , finally ,
1 were like relearning to ride as our horizons expanded . We graduated onto distant trails , sacred off-limit mountains , and even onto races . Trail parks all over SA overflowed with riders .
Bike shops with stagnating stock were saved from the brink of insolvency , literally selling out overnight . Exercise boomed . Commuting and working from home brought road safety and time to ride .
If ever we were forced to
People say “ what doesn ’ t kill you makes you stronger ”. That ’ s not easy to view positively when you ’ re struggling to make ends meet , or have sick family members to care for . That said , if you ’ re reading this , you ’ re surviving , so let ’ s take stock of what we have to celebrate .
You only realise how much you love something when it ’ s taken away from you . Many of us viewed training as a chore . Many bemoaned their “ boring ” or human right , was snatched away , and it hurt . It was deeply depressing . Screen time soared and with it negative sentiment , fake news and depression .
When Level 4 finally dawned , allowing us to ride a 5km radius from home , bikes poured into the gloriously empty streets . The fresh air in our faces never tasted or felt so good . Just moving freely again , outside – oh yes , this is why we love to ride ! recognise the importance of exercise , endorphins and our sheer love of adventure , 2020 was it .
As our international borders have been forced shut , many have opened their eyes to the abundance of trails and adventure spaces close to home and in Southern Africa . There ’ s a custom-made trail in almost everyone ’ s proverbial back yard . We have races in every corner of ZA . From game reserves to wine farms , desert dunes to forest trails – we are spoiled for choice . Outside is free .
The new normal has yet to be defined . Some cities have closed street parking to form bike lanes and hopefully SA town planners will follow as bike commuting soars . We ’ ve realised that we can survive and thrive without owning more stuff . How the planet that we live to explore literally breathed and blossomed as pollution levels dropped . Similarly , how we humans rely on each other to survive and thrive , especially those less privileged than ourselves . Chasing money and assets just lost its appeal as we looked around at what we truly need to make us and those around us healthy and happy .
As I write this , we are building up to a redesigned sani2c , SA ’ s oldest and biggest stage race , and the first post-lockdown . Social distancing is the antithesis of the communal spirit of riding , camping and ‘ kuiering ’ together – the joy of bonding with our clan in the most beautiful remote parts of the best country to live and ride MTB on the planet .
Staying wider of the rider will take on a bizarre new meaning , but we saffas are pros at adapting to new norms . We ’ ll embrace not embracing and we will rise and ride again !
Live to ride , we only live once .
We look forward to your pics , stories and comments .
paul @ electricink . co . za @ paulingpen
Mountain Bike SA
@ mountainbikesa
10 | MTB | proud as punch