Mountain Bike Magazine Autumn 2022 | Page 14

ed ’ s letter


AS I SIT HERE AT TIGER REEF IN SWAKOPMUND , sipping on a sweet local brew at sunset , I ’ m once again reminded why I choose to live in Africa .
I just spent four hours fat biking in the desert and it was so much better than I expected . If there was one reason fat bikes weren ’ t a passing fad it ’ s this . Our rain-parched continent boasts many dunes , most full of hidden ecosystems that take slow time to discover .
The 80-million-year-old rock formations are another stark reminder of how fleeting our time on earth really is . As the fat tyres effortlessly float over deep soft sand , usually the stuff of nightmares , you ’ re dwarfed by 300m high earth drifts , graded in colours from beach blonde to iron oxide red and magnetite black . It ’ s a kaleidoscope of earthy hues , framed by a bright blue cloudless sky – one advantage of less than 10mm average rainfall per year .
The presence of magnetic metal means that over many years the surface has bedded down on the prevailing windward side of the dunes , providing traction to those that can skilfully hold a line , often on delicately contoured slopes . It ’ s a fun way to hone your skills . Turn the bars and your tyres dig in , then it ’ s time to walk to the top .
Downhills are a lot like snow skiing or surfing , sweeping lines around soft bottom bowls with lips that offer a tail smack to those maintaining pace , hands off the brakes at 50km / h . What a jol !
If you take time to look down and scrutinise the ground there are plentiful semi-precious stones and crystals strewn around . It ’ s like a giant treasure hunt . A great gift to bring home to the family .
I too was once a fat-bike sceptic , but once again
I ’ m reminded not to make premature judgments , there ’ s a place for everything .
In the same way I am reminded why Africa is the undiscovered , affordable , bestweather playground for nature and adventure lovers . We are so fortunate to live here and know her charms . The two Austrians who joined the ride were
The ed on top of the world with his fat bike , during a tour of the Swakopmund dunes .
literally speechless , and they live in the Alps , where most of us have at times wished we did , when on odd occasions it ’ s as warm and sunny as here .
A month ago I was at the Absa Cape Epic , listening to riders tales , including an enchanting visit to the campervan of the Speed Company Racing team , who shared their fairytale story and gushed over the people and trails of this country . It was the same with the Mexican team who finished last , literally on the opposite end of the field from the winning Germans – they love to ride bikes here , so far from home .
It ’ s clear that South Africa is very unlike other places , and
despite our political issues it ’ s the place to stay if you love to ride . Countries like Kenya , Rwanda , Zambia , Malawi and Lesotho also have fascinating cultures waiting for you and your bike to explore .
Mountain biking has to be the best way to experience the sights , sounds and feel of a new place . In this issue we


travel to northern India and the icy beauty of the Himalayas in winter ( p26 ) and explore San Francisco with freeriding legend Hans Rey ( p64 ).
As we head into the cooler months we have the original stage race , from Sani pass to Scottburgh coming up – 266km of singletrack and farm roads through valleys and reserves you ’ d never see if it wasn ’ t by bike . Check out what you ’ re in for if you ’ re lucky enough to be riding KAP sani2c , or want to some day ( p124 ).
You may be tempted but feel relatively overwhelmed by the thought of the fitness and skills required to experience these exciting , sometimes challenging
adventures , but e-bikes have made them more accessible . Events like sani2c are really opening their arms to pedalassisted racing . Read what the experts have to say about who ’ s riding e-bikes and why on p54 .
Another reason you may dread the thought of riding far for fun is because your bike isn ’ t optimally set up for you . A stiff neck , saddle sores and back pain are a few symptoms that ex pro , now bike fit guru David George explains in detail on p104 . We tried it , it makes a huge difference !
Once you ’ re happy on your bike you may be tempted to tick off more of the six pages of local races listed in our diary on p118 .
If you have or could be tempted to develop a fetish for pain and suffering to experience the unique high of riding alone , through the nights , literally in the middle of nowhere , read Bruce Hughes ’ story on New Zealand ’ s Tour Te Waipounamu ( p86 ) and Dean Hopf ’ s insights into what makes The Munga worth a shot ( p146 ).
We chat to some really interesting riders we like , including Jolanda Neff who raced the Trailseeker Series in Banhoek , fast risers Pieter du Toit and Beani Thies , and two young Change a Life riders who defied the odds . These cool features plus a whole lot more stoke will keep you riding through winter and amped for when the weather warms up again .
We ’ re always keen to hear your stories and feedback on how to improve your reading experience , so fire away with any thoughts you ’ d like to share .
@ paulingpen
Mountain Bike SA
@ mountainbikesa
14 | MTB | proud as punch