Mountain Bike Magazine Autumn 2020 | Page 9

CONTENTS M O U N TA I N PAGE 58 B I K E M A G A Z I N E • A U T U M N 2 0 2 0 NEWSSTAND EDITION In 2019, SCOTT-SRAM MTB-Racing’s Nino Schurter and Lars Forster stormed to victory in the Absa Cape Epic. by Sportograf POINT OF VIEW 12 Our ed is feeling it!. 108 A word from the Absa Cape Epic founder. PARTICIPANTS’ EDITION The Race That Measures All not only pits riders against their rivals, but against themselves, too. by Nick Muzik/Cape Epic PHOTO GALLERY 16  Fanning your MTB stoke and imagination. 68 Epic Instagram inspiration from around the world. GET YOUR RIDE ON 36  Colin Mayer Tour: Yolandi du Toit and Ben Melt Swanepoel heads to Mauritius. 58  Epic Series: Switzerland, New Zealand and Australia – get your passports out! 80  Swazi Frontier: Mountains and more mountains. 88  Wines2Whales: Two brothers, three days, one enduring relationship. 54 PAGE RIDERS WE LIKE 30  Manuel Fumic: The Brazilian superstar is planning a big year as he bows out of racing. 54  Jenny Rissveds: The Swedish champion with a heart of gold. 78  Ride2Live: Luyanda Thobigunya and Lorenzo le Roux are two riders on the cusp of greatness. ON THE CALENDAR 102  Race diary: Schedule your March to June! look what we have for you | MTB | 09