Moultrie Scene October 2022 | Page 6

| from the editor |

The Sunbelt Ag Expo is a highlight of Moultrie ’ s year . Colquitt County is arguably the top agricultural county in the state of Georgia , and the Expo is a great opportunity for farmers , ranchers , foresters and agribusinessmen to interact with vendors .

It ’ s also a great show for local residents to learn what ’ s happening in the state ’ s top industry , and kids love the tractors .
This year ’ s Expo will be Oct . 18-20 at Spence Field , off Highway 133 near the Moultrie city limits . Gates open at 8:30 a . m . all three days . Admission is $ 10 per person or $ 20 for a multi-day ticket . Children 10 and under are admitted free with a parent .
We are not profiling the Expo in this issue of Moultrie Scene . But we are talking with Jason King , a longtime vendor at the show . He has represented Priefert Farm Ranch and Rodeo Equipment since 2013 , which is the same year the Expo recognized Priefert for 35 years as an exhibitor . Learn about his experiences with Priefert and with North America ’ s Premier Farm Show in this issue of Moultrie Scene .
October ’ s other claim to fame is as Breast Cancer Awareness Month , and a group of Colquitt Countians have pulled together to offer support to cancer patients at Colquitt Regional Medical Center . The Journey Project was initiated by hospital CEO Jim Matney and organized by Anne Swartzentruber , wife of a local physician , but it pulls in students from Sunset Elementary School , pastors from throughout the community and cancer survivors as well . The project gives a prayer journal to each cancer patient at the hospital to offer them hope and strength as they fight the battle of their lives .
Also in this issue , Katherine Russell continues her series on local artists with woodworker Abbey Pitts . Pitts , a Moultrie native , is the owner of Grace and Grain Woodworking Studio . She describes how she became fascinated by wood and learned to carve beautiful kitchen utensils . Her spoons and spatulas are still popular , but she ’ s also working on lamps and on woodturning projects that will be coming soon .
Enjoy their stories in this issue of Moultrie Scene , and if you have ideas for future articles , call me at ( 229 ) 985-4545 or email kevin . hall @ gaflnews . com .
Kevin C . Hall Managing editor The Moultrie Observer and Moultrie Scene


CNHI ’ s Magazine of the Year , 2020 & 2021
Volume 6 • No . 7
Publisher LAURIE GAY
Account Executive JANE BENTLEY
Design & Layout DEREK SCHAPER
Moultrie Scene Magazine is published bi-monthly at 25 North Main Street Moultrie , Georgia 31768 by
www . moultrieobserver . com p : 229-985-4545 • f : 229-985-4548 25 North Main Street • Moultrie , GA 31768
Letters and all editorial contributions may be sent to the above address .
MoultrieScene is not responsible for unsolicited submissions . Reproduction or use of any article , photo or graphic content , without the express permission of the publisher is prohibited .
Advertising rates and ad specifications available by contacting : Jane Bentley 229-985-4545 , Ext . 1706
6 MoultrieScene OCTOBER 2022