Moultrie Scene October 2022 | Page 4



October 2022


15 IT ’ S EXPO TIME ! Longtime vendor reflects on ‘ North America ’ s premier farm show ’

22 GRAIN & GRACE A conversation with artist Abbey Pitts

32 TOGETHER IN THE JOURNEY Prayer journal lifts spirits of oncology patients

64 RECIPES Chili con carne and Lasagna a la Sockarooni


86 HEALTH GMOs explained and reducing women ’ s risk for COPD

90 HOME Winterproof your house ’ s exterior and interior checks before winter

94 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Upcoming happenings in Moultrie and Colquitt County

98 PETS Managing your pet ’ s weight for a healthy dog or cat


106 BEST OF MOULTRIE The Moultrie Observer ’ s Readers Choice winners

ON THE COVER : Anne Swartzentruber and Eli Gibson prepare a page of a prayer journal for The Journey Project at Colquitt Regional Medical Center .
photography by Jill Stringfellow Photography



4 MoultrieScene OCTOBER 2022