Moultrie Scene May 2023 | Page 97


Azalea growingtips ! By Jeremy M . Kichler , UGA Extension , Colquitt County Extension Coordinator , jkichler @ uga . edu

It has been amazing seeing all the blooming azaleas around Moultrie the last couple of weeks . Gardeners can keep their azaleas looking great by doing some of these tips . When do Ifertilize myazaleas ? This is an excellent question . Apply fertilizer justafter flowering . Onspring-flowering cul ti vars , a second application of fertilizer can be made inJune , at onehalf the spring rate , ifnecessary . Avoid fertilizing after July 1because bud set , and winter hardiness may bereduced . To fine tune your fertilizer recommendation consider taking a soil sample . For example , if you have taken your soil sample and it shows that you have a medium P and Klevel in your azaleas then the recommendation is to apply 16-4- 8or12-4-8 fertilizer at arate of1 / 2 pound per 100 square feet ( 5pounds per 1,000 square feet ) in March , May , and July . If an azalea-camellia special fertilizer is used follow directions on the container . Uniformly spread the fertilizer on the soil surface extending it beyond the drip line of the foliage . It is not necessary toremove the mulch before applying the fertilizer . Brush or rinse the fertilizer from the leaves and stems . When do I prune my azaleas ? The
best time to prune azaleas is after they bloom . Some plants may need pruning to remove tall , lanky growth or vigorous suckers that detract from the overall form and shape of the plant . It may bedesirable to prune to maintain a more compact form . Sometimes it is necessary to prune old , overgrown plants to rejuvenate them ortoreduce their size . Like many other broadleaf plants , healthy azaleas can be pruned to within 6 to 12 in . of ground level and will respond with an abundance of new shoots growing from the old wood . Springflowering azaleas form their blossom buds for the next year during the summer , so avoid pruning them after July 1 . Do Ineed toworry about lace bugs ? Azalea Lace Bugs are major pests of
azaleas . They feed onthe underside of leaves , but the damage they cause is most apparent on the upper leaf surface , which appears stippled when groups of adjoining leaf cells become chlorotic . Brown to black droplets of excrement and old “ skins ” of the nymphs ( immature lace bugs ) are visible onthe undersides of damaged leaves . Adult lace bugs are flattened and rectangular in shape and ½to¼ in . long . The area behind the head and the wing covers form a broadened , lacelike covering over the body of the insect . The wings of most lace bugs are light amber to transparent in color . Controlling this insect issimple . Growers should begin scouting for the eggs and cast skins in Mid- March . Usually , a single well-timed spray is sufficient to prevent serious aesthetic injury . Applications should be timed to coincide with the first signs of the nymphal hatch stage that normally occurs inMarch to mid-April . Chemical controls include acephate , imidacloprid , oils , and soaps . Remember to read the label carefully and follow all instructions when using pesticides . Ifyou have any questions about azalea culture or about azalea lacebug control , please contact your local County Extension Agent .


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MAY 2023 MoultrieScene 97