Moultrie Scene May 2023 | Page 64

SpecialAdvertisingPage Charlie A Gray Junior High School

812 11th Avenue NW • Moultrie , GA 31768 229-890-6189 Dr . Fred Smith , Prinicipal

Mission Statement : To Provide A Community of Supports to ALL Students , Ensure a Safe Learning Environment , & Equip ALL Students with Strategies for a Successful Transition Beyond the Junior High Level !
HOSA State Leadership Conference : 27 “ Dream Factory ” students attended the conference at the Atlanta , Marriott Marquis . They also attendedthe Georgia museum of Aviation and they were given a personal guided tour of the State Capitalhosted by Senator , Sam Watson and House Representative , Chas Cannon & their Staff . Theyalsorode MARTA through Atlanta during their visit .
C A Gray Middle FFA competed in the Area 5 Conduct of Chapter Meeting CDE and placed FIRST ! They willcompete at the FFA State Convention in April .( LtoR ) Reese Wiard , Wyatt Thompson , Emily Martin , Molly Dell , Sally Clark , Reese Webb ,& Sadie Wetherington .
Mrs . Kellyattended aworkshopfor Audio Video Tech & Film held at the South GeorgiaStudios in Quitman , to show teachers equipment that canbe used for instructions .
Students & Staff createdrepresentations of favorite booksto participate in the6th annual Edible Book Fair held in the Media Center . Ninthgrader , JasmineWeeks is pictured with hercake creation that involved icing , fondant , chocolate and candy making ! Many Thanks to the Moultrie Wal-MartBakeryfor supplyingcakedomes .
64 MoultrieScene MAY 2023