Moultrie Scene May 2023 | Page 28

Blue Holler consists of , from left , Skylar Gandy of Valdosta , Marshall Roberts of Tallahassee , Brandon Gandy of Tifton , Seabie Ewer of Moultrie and Brandon Taylor of Valdosta .
Ewer said he went home with the lead sheet for each song on the setlist , listened to Hicks ’ s songs on repeat , and played each one over and over .
“ It took me a night and half to learn these songs , but it was pretty neat to get to play a show with someone of the caliber of Bobby Hicks ,” said Ewer . “ It was one of the highlights of my whole life to play with someone like that and for him to feel like I could do the job .”
Two venues stand out in Ewer ’ s memory as favorite places to play . The first was the Monticello Opera House , a historic theater in downtown Monticello , Fla ., which was finished in 1890 . “ It was just an awesome venue to play ,” Ewer said .
The second was Randy ’ s Old-Time Pickin ’ Palace , a 110-seat performance hall in Bloomingdale , Ga ., near Savannah , that has become legendary in bluegrass circles .
“ It ’ s a small venue , intimate , upclose . But they get bigtime , name-brand bands to come to play ,” said Ewer . “ I don ’ t know how in the world they got to us .”
His career hasn ’ t been all highlights . Ewer recalled a performance at the Holiday Hills Music Park ’ s Bluegrass Festival in Laurel Hill , Fla ., when he found himself unable to play .
“ We were playing the next to last song , and all of a sudden I got a terrible cramp in my left hand ,” said Ewer , who found himself nearly unable to finish the song . Ewer said Blue Holler guitarist Brandon Gandy , a medical professional , looked at him and thought he might be having a stroke . “ We finished , and I said , ‘ Boys , we are going to have to do something a capella ,’ so we ended the show with an a capella number ,” Ewer said .
The band is currently working on a new gospel album and looking to book some bigger venues .
“ We keep getting our name out there ,” said Ewer . “ People who have never seen us play live are calling because they heard us on YouTube or somewhere like that .”
As for advice for young musicians , Ewer said passion and perseverance are the keys to success . “ You ’ ve got to want to play ,” said Ewer . “ You can ’ t have your parents push you to do it .”
Ewer also recommended finding likeminded musicians like he has now with Blue Holler . “ Play with people ,” he said . “ Always strive to play with people who are better than you are .” He is grateful for opportunities to play locally . “ For a long time we didn ’ t get to play here very often because people didn ’ t know who we were or what we did ,” Ewer said . “ Getting to play in my hometown means a lot .”
Hometown audiences will get the chance to hear Blue Holler on April 15 in downtown Moultrie at the Spring Fling at noon and on April 30 at Pine Grove Baptist Church ’ s Fifth Sunday Night Sing Along at 6 p . m .
For more information on Blue Holler , visit the band ’ s website at www . bluehollerband . com or email Seabie Ewer at seabieewer @ gmail . com .
28 MoultrieScene MAY 2023