On-Trend Ideas for Sprucing Up Your Deck
Installing or updating a deck can transform your outdoor living area . Not only is a deck aesthetically appealing , but it also allows you to create additional space for a wide range of uses , whether it ’ s a lively entertainment zone or tranquil , relaxing retreat .
If you ’ re planning a deck build or renovation in 2022 , consider incorporating one or more of these design trends identified by Westlake Royal Building Products , a leading manufacturer and distributor of materials for home remodeling , building and construction .
Creativity in Design
While decking design features used to be reserved for luxury upgrades , creative flair is increasingly mainstream . Some options for incorporating greater depth and style into your deck design include mixing and matching boards to create patterns , inlays and focal points or utilizing two-tone designs for more visually interesting aesthetics .
On-Trend Colors
Classic lumber-toned decks never go out of style , but adding some flair with an eye-catching color is a subtle way to elevate your deck ’ s aesthetic appeal . Some designs incorporate color throughout while another way to bring color to your deck is through distinctive inlay design or other design features .
Multi-Seasonal Spaces
Once you create an incredible outdoor space , you ’ ll likely want to use it as often as possible . That ’ s why many homeowners are designing decks with multiple seasons in mind . Features like retractable walls can help you block cool breezes and trap the warmth of space heaters or a fireplace while roofs provide shade and fans help circulate the breeze during warmer months . Decks built with clean , simple lines can offer a connection to nature as well as convenience for homeowners transitioning from indoor to outdoor spaces .
Popularity of Composite Decking
Weather patterns can cause substantial damage to a home ’ s exterior materials , including a deck where natural wood is prone to drying out . This creates an upkeep cycle that requires ongoing investments of time and money . An alternative to natural wood , such as Zuri Premium Decking by Royal , combines the low-maintenance , high-durability properties of composite decking with the exterior environment-defining presence of exotic wood . The result is an authentic look with zero-maintenance upkeep .
Bringing the Inside Out A deck ’ s design elements were once limited to predictable furnishings like a picnic table and grill , but those days are gone . Homeowners seeking to create an outdoor oasis are bringing amenities of the indoors outside . You ’ ll find outdoor kitchens and weather-proof TVs , rugs and furniture , allowing homeowners to incorporate the convenience and comfort of indoor living rooms and kitchens into their outdoor spaces despite elements like snow , wind and rain .
Masonry as an Accessory
If you love the look of masonry but have your heart set on a deck , you can take the path of many homeowners and incorporate masonry as an accessory or design element . Mixing building mediums provides texture , which creates an immersive tactile experience through sight and touch . Options like a fireplace or firepit , pillars , skirting , bench seats , planters , water features , kitchen or bar space and walkways can all complement and enhance the decking so you get to enjoy the best of both worlds .
Clean Sightlines
A deck is an ideal vantage point when you have a beautiful view to enjoy and using the right materials can enhance that experience . Creating a clean , sophisticated and unobstructed view is easy when you outfit your deck with the right lighting and use cable or glass railings , which provide safety along with clear views of the landscape beyond .
Find more tips and ideas to spruce up your outdoor living space at liveabode . com . n
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