Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 80



Let ’ s talk about home pecan production . By Jeremy M . Kichler , UGA Extension , Colquitt County Extension Coordinator , jkichler @ uga . edu

Every year , I receive questions about home pecan production . There are challenges with home pecan production such as insect and disease control . Let ’ stalk about some cultural practices that can be used to increase yields .
How doIfertilize mytrees ? Home pecan growers need to have six inches of terminal growth each year . Inthe absence ofaleaf analysis or soil test , please broadcast four pounds of a complete fertilizer such as 10-10-10 for each inch of trunk diameter ( measure 4½feet above soil level ), up to a maximum of 25 lbs . per tree . Ammonium nitrate may also be used at arate ofone lb . per inch of trunk diameter , uptoamaximum of eightlbs . per tree . This fertilizer should be applied in mid- to late March .
Ijust planted some new trees . How do Ifertilize them ? If no soil test wasmade , use ageneral rate of about one pound of 5-10-15 fertilizer distributed in a25-square-foot area around the tree . Make this application in June following planting . The following year , apply one pound of 10-10-10 fertilizer in March and again in June . Donot place fertilizer within 12 inches of the trunk .
Young trees should have between two and four feet of terminal growth each year . When growth is less , apply one pound of ammonium nitrate fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter in June or July . Asageneral recommendation , apply one pound of zinc sulfate per tree for the first three years following planting . Spread the fertilizer and zinc sulfate in acircle around the tree outside of the planting hole .
Water can make that big of difference tomy pecans ? Yes , it can ! Drought stress affects nut size and filling , aswell asleaf and shoot growth . Adequate soil moistureisimportant at bud break . This is needed for stimulating strong , vigorous growth . Please keep up with irrigation requirements from bloom through shell hardening for nut size ; and during the nut filling stage for optimizing kernel percentage . Iftrees do not receive adequate soil moisture levels late in the season , shuck split and energy reserves are affected . The nut sizing period normally occurs from May 1through August 15 . The nut filling stage occurs from about August 15 to the first week of October , depending on variety . The most critical period for water use is during the first two weeks of September . Reports from other areas of the country indicate that asmuch as 350 gallons of water per day can be required by each tree during the nut filling stage . Lack of sufficient water during the nut filling stage will lead to poorly-filled nuts , poor nut quality and increased alternate bearing .
How doImanage insects and scab ? This is a tough one because home pecan growers do not have the option of spray equipment . Pecan aphids can be controlled with root-zone applications of a systemic insecticide containing the active ingredient imidacloprid . Mix the labeled amount in a bucket of water and pour the solution around the base of the tree . For large trees , the insecticide should be mixed in twoto-three gallons of water per tree . Young trees can be treated effectively with oneto-two gallons of solution . Follow the label indications to determine the correct amount ofinsecticide for the size oftree being treated . Pecan trees can tolerate surprisingly large numbers of aphids , particularly yellow aphids , without loss of yield . Treat when honeydew accumulation under the tree is heavy , and when sooty mold begins to blacken the lower leaves . In home orchards , the best waytocontrol scab is to plant resistant varieties .
If you have any questions please contact your local county Extension agent .


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80 MoultrieScene MARCH 2023