Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 68

2902 Sardis Church Road • Moultrie , GA 31788 229-324-3313 • Marlon Daniels , Prinicpal

J . M . Odom Elementary School

2902 Sardis Church Road • Moultrie , GA 31788 229-324-3313 • Marlon Daniels , Prinicpal

OneTeam ... One Goal ... Continuously Inspiring Student Sucess !

Ivan Juarez and Riley Avery are pictured with Mr . Daniels as they receive their Bulldog of the Month yard sign . Positive behavior is something these students show each day at school .
Fourth grade students enjoyed a field trip to learn about agriculture at theTifton Agrirama .
Spelling Bee winners for this school year were Madalyn Villeda in firstplace andJesus Molina as therunner up .
Odom ElementaryenjoyedhavingBautista ’ sMartialArts teach the students about karate and building character throughrespect anddiscipline .
68 MoultrieScene MARCH 2023