Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 63


Safety first before mixing drugs

Billions of people across the globe take medications each day . Certain medications can help people with potentially debilitating or even deadly conditions live normal lives , while others can help people overcome relatively minor issues like muscle aches or seasonal allergies .

The American Heart Association notes that mixing drugs can produce unexpected side effects . This can make it dangerous for people already on prescription medications to use over-thecounter drugs for issues like headache or seasonal allergies . Understanding the potential interactions between their prescriptions and common prescription and over-the-counter medications can help people stay safe .
• Antihistamines : Antihistamines are widely used to alleviate symptoms of the common cold or seasonal allergies , such as runny nose , itchy eyes and sneezing . The AHA notes that , when taken along with blood pressure medication , antihistamines can contribute to an accelerated heart rate and cause blood pressure to spike . The AHA also cautions people taking sedatives , tranquilizers or prescriptions to treat high blood pressure or depression to consult their physicians before taking antihistamines .
• Bronchodilators : Bronchodilators relax and open the airways in the lungs and are used to treat various lung conditions , such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , or COPD . These drugs make it easier to breathe and are available via prescriptions . But patients with heart disease , high blood pressure , thyroid disease , and / or diabetes should discuss the potential interactions between bronchodilators and other medications they may be taking with their physicians .
• Cordarone : According to Drugs . com , Cordarone is used to treat potentially deadly abnormal heartbeats . Cordarone can cause severe problems that affect the lungs , thyroid or liver , and can be dangerous when combined with other drugs . For example , the AHA notes that patients who take more than 20 milligrams of Zocor , a drug used to lower “ bad ” cholesterol and potentially to lower the risk of stroke , heart attack and other conditions , while also taking Cordarone are at risk of developing rhabdomyolysis .
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition marked by the breakdown of muscle tissue that can lead to kidney failure or death . The AHA also says that
Cordarone can inhibit or reduce the effects of the blood thinner Coumadin .
• Nicotine replacement products : People taking prescriptions for depression or asthma should consult their physicians before taking any nicotine replacement products . The Federal Drug Administration notes that doctors may want to change dosages of patients ’ current medications before recommending they take any nicotine replacement products . The FDA also advises people to speak with their physicians before trying these products if they have diabetes , heart disease , asthma or stomach ulcers ; have had a recent heart attack ; have high blood pressure but do not take any medication for it ; or have a history of irregular heartbeat .
Drug interactions can complicate treatment of various conditions . People currently on medication are urged to speak with their physicians before taking any new medicines , including over-thecounter drugs . n
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MARCH 2023 MoultrieScene 63