Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 40

Members of S . W . A . T . take a moment to proudly display their banner after a parade celebrating Dr . Martin Luther King Jr . Pictured from left are Barbara Wyche , Wilma Hadley , Catherine Shannon , Debra Jackson , Sharon Evans , Angenique Johnson , Tina Jones and Linda Erving .
who don ’ t even know they are doing so much for others ,” Shannon said .
Currently , there are six active members of S . W . A . T ., and several individuals on a waiting list to join . Membership requires a steadfast commitment to a higher standard than most are used to , according to Scott . In order to keep from having a high rate of member turn over , Scott explained how those seeking membership have to prove themselves .
“ Most of our focus is on love – love your neighbor as Christ loved us . So that ’ s why we focus on loving one another and doing what we can for one another .”
— Catherine Shannon , S . W . A . T . youth coordinator
“ You have to walk with us a whole year to see if that ’ s your purpose , your vision ,” she said . “ You have to attend our meetings , you have to be involved in our prayer services ... When we go to the nursing homes or people ’ s houses , you have to be available , when we ’ re working with the youth , when we ’ re feeding the hungry – anything we do , you have to be there . That is the way we will know if you ’ re dedicated . Then , after that year , we decide if this is what you want to do .”
Due to the private nature of prayer requests , family hardships and interaction with troubled youth , women who wish to join
Pictured from left are Catherine Shannon , Cheryl Lawson , Maggie Hall , Debra Jackson , Jennifer Blakely , Gloria Hayes , Linda Erving , Tonita Scott and Camicha Ryce .
must adhere to the organization ’ s bylaws , which include strict policies of privacy and respect . The women of S . W . A . T . believe that their work must speak for itself , which is why they only allow individuals who are dedicated to their cause to join .
“ We don ’ t just let anybody in . We have a prayer line , and we get a lot of people who tell us very confidential stuff they want us to pray about . So , we ’ re not looking for those who just want to get in so they can see what ’ s going on and talk about it . That ’ s why you don ’ t hear negative talk about S . W . A . T ., because we don ’ t let just anybody join ,” Scott explained .
For more than 15 years , the women of S . W . A . T . have stood in the gap , working tirelessly to support their community . And according to Scott and Shannon , they stand ready to serve as long as they are needed , armed with love , dedication and passion for their fellow neighbor .
“ Most of our focus is on love – love your neighbor as Christ loved us . So that ’ s why we focus on loving one another and doing what we can for one another . We don ’ t focus on self-image or anything like that . We focus on one another ,” Shannon said . “ We ’ re a small group of women , and what the letters stand for – Sisters With a Testimony – it ’ s true .”
Sisters With a Testimony meets the second Tuesday of each month . If you would like more information on how to volunteer or become a member , contact Tonita Scott at tonitascott704 @ gmail . com .
40 MoultrieScene MARCH 2023