Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 38

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S . W . A . T . Sisters With A Testimony

Local women ’ s group supports community through outreach , ministry
by Akilah Clarke
“... for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose .” — Philippians 2:13 NIV
S . W . A . T .: The mere mention of this acronym evokes images of tense , yet laser-focused law enforcement personnel , heavily clad in dark or camouflaged uniforms and ballistic protective equipment , bearing riot gear and special weaponry . As members of a Special Weapons and Tactics team , these individuals have been trained and equipped to address extremely dangerous or violent circumstances that fall outside the scope of regular police work .
However , the women of Moultrie ’ s Sisters With a Testimony — or S . W . A . T ., for short — don ’ t dress in helmets , or use tear gas , weapons and protective equipment . Instead , as Soldiers in the Army of the Lord , they ’ re girded with the whole armor of God , ready to aid families , children , the elderly and other fellow community members when and where needed .
“ S . W . A . T . is not only about working for the community , it ’ s about working for each and every one of the members . We ’ re there to support one another . That ’ s really what love is all about – the support that God allows us to give each other .”
— Catherine Shannon , S . W . A . T . youth coordinator
The idea for the faith-based organization initially came to founder and president Tonita Scott in a 2001 vision . She said she felt a calling upon her life to start a grassroots campaign – a group of women who would be charged to work together in support of one common cause – the betterment of their community . It would be six years later when the opportunity presented itself to take the first steps towards building the organization ’ s foundation . Scott was aware she couldn ’ t fulfill the mission alone , so she began contacting women she knew to help bring her vision to fruition .
“ It was my vision , but it couldn ’ t work without the women . I was at my office working one day when God said , ‘ It ’ s time .’ So , I sent letters out to people , and we had our first meeting in October 2007 ,” she said . More than a dozen women
38 MoultrieScene MARCH 2023