Moultrie Scene March 2023 | Page 34

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The Moultrie Service League is a volunteer organization that was founded in 1946 to utilize volunteers and funds locally , with an emphasis on serving the needs of children . It ’ s current mission is to provide educational opportunities to the children of our community through an alliance with the Arts Center .
CoxArt Festival The Service League Ladies had a fullday of fun , hosting a very special arts festival at Cox Elementary !
Introducing the ProvisionalClass - The Moultrie Service League held its December general meeting and brunch at which Vice President Megan Taylor had thehonor of introducing the Provisional Class of 2023 . Our Provisional Class ( in order left to right ) Carrie Lasseter , President , Megan Taylor , Vice President , Anna Meister , Natalie Davis , Anna Davis , Maggie Patel , Jessica Mitchum , Summer Richmond , KaylaBatchelor , MandiStrickland , Jessica Edwards .
Bucky Bowles Opening Reception -The Moultrie Service League was grateful to host the opening reception for an exhibit by oil painter and watercolorist , Bucky Bowles . The reception was well attended by patrons , Arts Center staff and classmates from Moultrie High School . Guests enjoyed an artist talk and gallery exhibit of over 30 original paintings and giclees . Come view these beautiful wildlife scenes during the upcoming Art of The Hunt week of activities . Order your copy of MOULTRIE MASTERPIECES : A Local ArtCollective - featuring 6 pages of Bucky ’ s paintings in gorgeous full color print ! “ while supplies last ”
Casino Night Upcoming - Don ’ t miss your chance to win ! Get your poker face ready and join us for an evening of fabulous fun and games on March 24th at Colquitt County Arts Center ! For updates about upcoming events sponsored by the Moultrie Service League ,“ like ” our Facebook or MSL Instagram pages !
34 MoultrieScene MARCH 2023