Moultrie Scene June 2023 | Página 78

| Around Town |

“ The Murder of the Loaded Librarian ”

photos courtesy of Moultrie-Colquitt County Library System
On March 17 , the Friends of the Library presented “ The Murder of the Loaded Librarian ,” a murder mystery fundraiser to benefit the Moultrie-Colquitt County Library System . Several local people took on the roles of the victim and suspects as members of the audience tried to determine who had committed the foul deed . Melody Jenkins was the director and the event coordinator .
Sean Ladson portrayed Lt . Clueseau , the local detective charged with finding the killer .
Madonna and Heathcliff Bux , son and daughterin-law of Ms . Lotta Bux , were played by Beth and Quentin Bates .
The non-inheritors show little concern for Rocky ’ s death . From left are Porky Prudhomme , French chef at the Bux mansion , played by Clay Newton ; governess Jane Bronte , played by Adelia Ladson ; and chauffeur Indy Kowalski , played by Chas Cannon .
Nurse Hatchett , nurse at the Bux mansion , portrayed by Norma McKellar , was the murderer and the motive was blackmail , jealousy and greed .
78 MoultrieScene JUNE 2023