Moultrie Scene June 2023 | Page 76

| Around Town |

Chamber of Commerce awards banquet photography by Kasmira Smith

The Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce saluted area individuals and businesses during the chamber ’ s 113th annual banquet March 30 :
Man of the Year : Mark Fleetwood Woman of the Year : Jean Gay Agribusiness Person of the Year : Larry Sloan Committed to Colquitt County Award : Lazarus of Moultrie Colquitt County Rock Star – Small Business of the Year : Mike Wilson Plumbing Partners in Progress Award : Ameris Bank of Moultrie Heart of Colquitt County Award : Hero House
Larry Sloan accepts the Moultrie-Colquitt County Chamber of Commerce ’ s 2022 Agribusiness Person of the Year .
Mike Wilson , right , and his family received the Colquitt County Rock Star — Small Business of the Year award .
Hero House was presented the Heart of Colquitt County award during the Moultrie-Colquitt County
Chamber of Commerce 113th annual banquet . Director Regina Dismuke , center , accepted the award on behalf of the children ’ s advocacy center ’ s staff .
76 MoultrieScene JUNE 2023