Tips for preventing deer collisions
Deer are common across North America and frequently cause motor vehicle accidents . Here are a few tips to minimize the risk of colliding with a deer this summer .
Be extra vigilant Look for signs indicating deer crossings in the area . Slow down and make sure you scan the road and your surroundings . Be particularly careful on slopes , sharp turns and in areas of dense vegetation ; a deer could unexpectedly jump out of a bush .
Remember that the risk is more significant in October and November , as deer move around more during mating season . Plus , deer often travel in groups . Therefore , if you see one , slow down because there may be more .
Maximize your visibility
Keep your headlights and windows clean . Turn on your high beams when driving at night , except when passing oncoming vehicles . Ideally , avoid driving at dawn and dusk . Deer are more active at these times of day , and the low light can make it hard to see .
Finally , if you see a deer , slow down and try to scare it away — and warn other motorists — by flashing your headlights or honking your horn . Avoid hitting the animal without swerving out of your lane or making a sudden turn at the last second . This could cause a more severe accident .
If you hit a deer , contact your local conservation or wildlife department so they can safely dispose of the animal . n
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