Berl goes on to explain that as a player gains skill and plays at a higher level they will notice everyone else is hitting the ball harder , but it ’ s not because the other athlete is necessarily better but because they have a better quality paddle .
“ Some paddles are stiffer than others and have different material inside ,” said Berl . “ Then there are different paddles made for both soft and hard play . I play better soft , which is played up at the kitchen line . So , I need a paddle that is better for those soft touches , whereas someone who plays back wouldn ’ t do well with that paddle because they couldn ’ t get good power shots .”
In pickleball , it is a common strategy to hold the kitchen line and softly dink the ball back and forth until a player makes a mistake .
Pickleball balls get quite technical as well .
Indoor pickleballs are spongier and they only require 26 holes . Balls for outdoor play must have 40 holes and are firmer , according to Berl .
There are also different grades within both indoor and outdoor pickleball ranging from weight to the hardness or softness of the ball .
“ The harder the ball , the faster it goes ,” said Berl .
The play of pickleball is a conglomeration of several sports , including tennis , ping pong , racquetball , and badminton .
Like in tennis , the serve is made from behind the baseline and is shot diagonally , but the server must keep their paddle and the ball below their waist , which mirrors racquetball .
When the ball is served it must bounce once both on the initial receive and the receive from the serving team before it may be volleyed . This keeps either team from rushing the kitchen and attacking at the net .
Then , it ’ s a back and forth until one team is unable to return the ball in bounds . Games are played to 11 , winning by two .
Of course , like with every sport , there are many idiosyncrasies that make the game what it is , such as not being allowed to volley from within the kitchen or points can only be gained by the serving team . To name each one would go on for a while , so make sure to study up before hitting the court or sign up for a lesson .
“ I ’ m always forgetting to let the ball bounce when the serve is returned that first time and you ’ re on the team that served ,” said beginner player Kathy Cheney . “ But , practice makes perfect so I ’ m going to keep practicing .”
> Skill ratings
Cheney currently doesn ’ t have a skill level rating , but she is hoping to work up to that .
Ratings in pickleball are only given to athletes who compete in tournaments , and their level is locked in after the completion of their third tournament .
Once that first rating has been received , an athlete can play up in skill level as often as they like but they are not allowed to play down .
Ratings begin at 2.5 and go up in half point increments . The highest rating an amateur player can receive is a 5.0 skill level .
During tournaments , points are awarded to players depending on how they play their games and this will affect their rating score .
“ Say I ’ m a 3.5 playing a 4.0 and I beat them ,” said Berl , explaining how points are awarded in tournaments . “ Even if I don ’ t medal , the computer will see I played well and my overall points will go up . On the other hand , if I play someone I should beat and I lose , my points will go down .”
Currently in Colquitt County , there are not many 5.0 skill level players , but this can be partly attributed to how young the sport is here . The hope is to see more players develop their game over the next handful of years .
“ What I ’ m seeing is that people get to a certain skill level and then they would much rather play than practice ,” said Berl . “ But the problem is , if you really want to get better , you have to practice . Not play , but truly practice — drills and exercise . Those who really put the work in will be the ones playing at 4.5 , 5.0 skill level .”
One of those athletes is local dentist Dr . Jeffery Barnett , who is a 5.0 ranked player .
“ I compete in about four or five tournaments a year ,” said Barnett . “ It used to be a lot more than that .”
When it ’ s time for players to sign up for tournaments , pickleball is unique in the fact that an athlete ’ s age comes secondary to their skill level .
“ I would agree that skill level matters a lot more than age ,” said Berl .
28 MoultrieScene JUNE 2023