Moultrie Scene June 2022 | Page 88

It ’ s late February , and right now , I ’ m about to be setting up for Youth Art Month . All the work is going to be delivered at the end of this week , and the opening is going to be next week . So usually there ’ s only a week for setting up each exhibit . We also have two extended galleries , we rotate art to The Square ( the downtown restaurant ) and then PCOM ( the medical school ) throughout the month .
Do y ’ all solicit submissions from local or regional artists ?
For the rotating galleries at The Square and PCOM , we ’ re trying to feature exclusively local artists for now , though I would like to branch out and have other artists from outside the immediate vicinity .
Our exhibits here in the Arts Center , though , they ’ re from all over the surrounding states . Libby McFalls is currently being featured in the Vereen Gallery . She ’ s a professor at Columbus State . We ’ ll have her work on display until April 22nd .
We showed the paintings of David Lanier , who resides in Albany , until late February . We ’ ll display the art of Cindy Hammond from May until mid-June . She does stained-glass work . It ’ s gonna be great . She has work all over the place . I believe she ’ s from Tifton .
What are some of your favorite mediums to work with , and why ?
I am definitely a multidisciplinary artist . I love
People ’ s negativity can harm others and it can cause them to adopt the same negative outlook , artist Amber Moore said . We all have the possibility to develop and display these metaphorical spikes and this can cause those around us to morph into different versions of themselves . This is where our choices influence not only our lives but also the lives of those around us . to work in as many forms as I can . My main ones are ceramics and painting ; they hold so dear to my heart . I love glassblowing , and I tried to do as much as I could while I was at Georgia Southwestern . I took glassblowing first semester , my sophomore year , the first chance you get , and then I went in the studio every semester until I graduated , trying to do stuff – because I knew , once I ’ m gone , once I ’ m graduated , unfortunately that ’ s it . There ’ s no way to practice glassblowing around here .
I love oil paints so much . I didn ’ t use them until I was in college , and I felt like I had been cheated , because they just blend so well . Now that I ’ m home and I don ’ t have the studio space that I had at the university , I do a lot of acrylics and stuff .
I used to do a lot of sewing , I would make a whole bunch of different costumes and so forth , but I ’ ve grown away from that . I do printmaking every now and then . I really love watercolor , I love oil pastels . I ’ m not too much a fan of drawing with pencil and pen , it ’ s so slow to me . I would rather use a really big brushstroke to cover a large area than a swipe of a pen to scratch this tiny little line .
But ceramics and painting , they ’ re truly the main mediums for me .
Do you take commissions ?
I do take commissions ! I ’ ve made sets of bowls for so many people before , I ’ ve done a lot of mugs . I go to art sales , I ’ ve taken a few commissions for paintings . I ’ ve also taken a couple of digital commissions before .
There was one that was really sweet . There was a guy whose father passed away , and the son didn ’ t have a good picture of the two of them together . He did have a series of four pictures , none very good quality . He came to me and asked , can you make these better ? Can you create a good photo out of four poor ones ? With Photoshop , I was able to collage those four together into one very convincing photo . That was something special .
88 MoultrieScene JUNE 2022