Moultrie Scene July 2023 | Page 86

should look at their passports to determine how long it is until the document expires . If the document expires within six months of their passport expiring , couples may not be able to enter the country they hope to visit . In such instances , couples should ensure they leave enough time to renew and receive their passports .
• Utilize a travel agency . Contrary to popular belief , travel agencies are still around and remain useful resources , especially for travelers visiting a destination for the first time . Many honeymooners fit that bill , so they can benefit much from working with a travel agency . Couples tasked with planning a wedding already have a lot on their plate , so letting a travel agency take care of the honeymoon planning can ensure a memorable trip without requiring couples to do any legwork .

Planning a wedding is a tall task , so it ’ s no wonder why so many couples look forward to their honeymoons . After months of planning and then saying “ I Do ” in front of family and friends , couples have earned a little R & R .

With so much already on engaged couples ’ plates , it ’ s easy to overlook honeymoon planning . But finding time to plan a honeymoon can ensure the trip is one couples will cherish for the rest of their lives . The following planning pointers can help the trip go smoothly .
• Pick a passport-friendly destination .
When it comes to honeymoons , couples ’ options run the gamut from domestic locales to faraway destinations on the other side of the world . That suggests couples can pick anywhere within their budgets and simply book a trip . However , that ’ s not necessarily true . According to the U . S . State Department , many countries require that travelers have six months of validity remaining on their passports before they will issue a visa permitting them to enter . So couples
• Purchase travel insurance . The need for travel insurance has never been more apparent than in the last few years . Since the pandemic began , air travel has been a somewhat risky proposition . According to Flightaware , the first six months of 2022 featured more domestic flight cancellations in the United States than the entire 2021 calendar year combined . International travel could prove an even riskier proposition . Though the potential for cancellation should not deter couples from traveling by air for their honeymoons , the sheer volume of cancellations underscores the importance of purchasing travel insurance . Before purchasing a travel insurance policy , couples are urged to read it in its entirety to ensure it provides the protection they ’ re seeking .
• Plan early . With so much other work to do involving a wedding , couples can be excused for putting a honeymoon on the back-burner . But planning early can make the trip much more enjoyable . The benefits to planning early include more flights to choose room , a wider selection of rooms / lodging options at your destination , and more time to budget for the trip .
Honeymoon planning can be made simpler with a few simple strategies that also can ensure couples enjoy the trip of their dreams . n
86 MoultrieScene JULY 2023