Moultrie Scene July 2023 | Page 76

Owned by Kellyand AmyDalton . The first restaurant opened in 1962 by R . L . & Ida Belle Dalton , namedWoody ' s . Therehavebeenrestaurantssince , withthe last twobeingEmber ' s , whichopenedin1972 , andDalton ' s in 1990 .

BobbyDalton , my dad , opened RomanGatein1973 , whichwas an ItalianRestaurant , and then took Ember ' s over in 1977 , whileGrandma andGranddaddy " retired ," althoughtheywerestill theredaily . Daddybeganpushingthe catering business in the late ' 70s . He hadtwo banquetrooms that he kept occupied inside therestaurant andwas also mobile with catering that includedanythingfromfactories , churches , andweddings . Hismostprominentand most challenging wasthe SunbeltExpo .
When Iwas abouteight years old , Istarted helping him with thecatering . Imissedschoolthe week of theEXPO to helphim . We cateredthe Governor ' s Luncheon , whichwould be about 1000 people with 3to4buffet lines , theExhibitor ' s Lounge 4days of theweek , theLivestock Meetingone night of theweek , theExhibitor ' s Breakfastone morningof theweekalong with anythingelsethatDr . White andChipwould come up with , not to mention , therestaurant , Ember ' s , wasstill open forregular business . It wasan " Allhands-ondeck " kind of week forsure . Therewas aday or twoduringthe week of theExpothatwewould feed about2000 people forlunch betweenall of theplaces .

3GENERATIONS IN FULL-SERVICE Restaurantand Catering Services

Now , I ' m pushingthe catering business . We startedcateringimmediately after openingDalton ' s back up in 2021 , andIhad begun pushingthe catering businessafew months before the fire in June 2022 . When the fire happened , wehad threecaterings on thebooks within twoweeks . Thankfullydue to the good hearts of Billy & Rod Howell , wesuccessfully fulfilled ourscheduledcateringeventsthatwere bookedbyusingtheir locationasour own .
Things have settleddownwiththe openingofour Downtown location , sowehavebeenbuildingour catering business back up again . We willdoany size catering of anycaliber . Our calendarincludes weddings , family reunions , and everythinginbetween , andweare grateful ! Weenjoy beingapartof special events andeliminatingany unnecessary stress from your specialday , nomatterthe occasion . We have twomottos that we live by whilecatering , andthose are " We catertocreateremarkable momentsfor you " and " ExquisiteTastefor MemorableOccasions ." With us , you arenot just gettinga caterer ; youare becomingapartofour historythatdates back to theearly 60s to give youmemories foralifetime . -Written by KellyDalton

Catering Available For :

Weddings • Banquets • Family Gatherings • Birthday Parties Corporate Events • Bridal Showers • Retirement Parties
• Holiday Festivities • Fundraisers Food Truck Events • Baby Showers
Contact Us @ 229-985-9190 • www . daltonsofmoultrie . com
708868-1 709270-1
76 MoultrieScene JULY 2023