Moultrie Scene July 2023 | Page 50


Is it safe for young children to sit in the front seat ?

Although it may seem logical to place your young child in the front seat of your car to keep an eye on them , you might want to think again .

The back seat is safest While legislation varies throughout North America , the safest place for your child is the back seat , away from active airbags . In a head-on collision , the front airbag will restrain the head and abdomen of an adult . When a child sits in the passenger seat , the airbag deploys at head level , potentially causing severe neck and head injuries . The sheer force of airbag deployment is enough to seriously harm a child .
The safest place for your child is the back seat , away from active airbags .
Airbag deactivation Today , many vehicles are equipped with a mechanism that momentarily deactivates the passenger-side airbag if a child is sitting there . If your car doesn ’ t have this feature , and you must put your child in the front seat , make sure to move the front seat as far back from the airbag deployment zone as possible . You may also want to consider permanently deactivating the airbag .
Correctly using a car seat is one of the best steps you can take to protect your child in a crash . n

ROBERT HUTSON Trev Simmons Sales Representative Phone : 229-985-6603 | Cell : 229-456-2344 Toll Free : 1-888-509-1616 2316-1st Ave SE • Moultrie , Georgia 31776 • trev @ roberthutson . com

50 MoultrieScene JULY 2023