Moultrie Scene July 2023 | Page 40


Building a treehouse with your child : an exciting project

Abeautiful wooden treehouse instantly adds whimsy and fun to your backyard . While you can purchase many pre-made models , most people will agree that nothing beats a treehouse built by your own hands .

An activity that brings people together Instead of assembling a mass-produced treehouse in a few minutes , you can invest many hours with your child . You won ’ t regret this opportunity to spend quality time together .
A learning opportunity You can make your treehouse look like a cozy cabin or a tiny replica of your home . No matter what style you decide to build , you can teach your child about tools , technology and the construction process . They ’ ll also learn how to plan and execute a project , providing them with valuable life lessons .
A great environmental option Your custom-built treehouse will easily outperform its commercial rivals if you choose the right materials . Whether you buy wood at a hardware store or gather it in a nearby forest , your treehouse will be unique and ecologically sustainable .
A pleasure to rediscover If your child is usually glued to their video games , it may take some effort to convince them to get their hands dirty building a treehouse . You may be able to persuade them to participate by implementing screen-free days or rewarding them with small prizes for spending time outside .
Building a treehouse is a satisfying project that could turn into one of your child ’ s fondest memories . n
Your custom-built treehouse will easily outperform its commercial rivals if you choose the right materials .
“ HelpingHomeownersSince1959 ” 139 US Highway 319 • Moultrie , GA 229-985-1032 • www . stoneshc . com
40 MoultrieScene JULY 2023