Moultrie Scene July 2023 | Page 36

local events together and work to help provide for each other when they ’ re sick or in need . They celebrate their birthdays together . Occasionally , their families will sponsor a meal for the members or take them on trips .
“ Love has kept us together . We have had some good times ,” Sailor said .
Although mostly women comprise the group , membership is open to everyone . Elders can join with annual dues of $ 60 , which is divided up for group outings and to provide as necessary to those who become ill . Current members gather each Valentine ’ s Day to cook a welcome breakfast inviting local residents to join .
Shirley D . Williams joined the Shaw Gladiators after being invited for breakfast by Ossie Wilson . Williams ’ mother had just passed and her daughter thought it would be a great choice to join .
“ Since I ’ ve joined , there is a lot of wisdom here . I respect these ladies and I listen to what they say and how they say things . Whether they know it or not , I take it in , absorb it and I apply it to my life ,” Williams said .
The ladies play bingo each Wednesday . Williams was impressed watching the women play the first time after joining the club .
“ I was so impressed watching them play bingo . These ladies play five and six cards at one time ,” she said . “ They ’ ll have six cards and as you call the [ numbers ]. Look at their age . I asked , Why ? Mrs . Sailor said it keeps our minds sharpened . That is just something to just commend them for .”
After losing their director , the women have not been able to do as much volunteer work and church visits as they used to . They continue to donate Easter baskets for the recreation authority ’ s annual egg hunt and give $ 100 twice a year to the Colquitt County Food Bank . Most residents see the Gladiators walk in the annual Martin Luther King Jr . Parade .
The Shaw Gladiators meet according to the local academic calendar from August to the end of May . They cease meetings for the summer break to spend time with their families . Those who are interested in joining can contact Pat Snead at ( 229 ) 589-6680 .
Irma Moss and Earnestine Williams play poker keno . The ladies have created life-long friendships through their weekly social meetings .
Shaw Gladiators members Jean Sailor , Ossie Wilson , Dorothy Blount , Erie Wiley , and Irma Moss play bingo . They often play with about five cards each to help keep their minds sharpened .
Pat Snead joined the Shaw Gladiators in 2021 after battling cancer . “ I was just sitting home and kept seeing them in the newspaper . One day I said , I ’ m going to go up here and see what they do just to get out of the house . I visited with another lady , and it went from there ,” Snead said .
Shaw Gladiators member Shirley D . Williams calls cards out during a poker keno board game . The members meet three times a week at 9 a . m . to play board games at the Ryce Center .
36 MoultrieScene JULY 2023