Moultrie Scene July 2023 | Page 105

SpecialAdvertisingPage Charlie A Gray Junior High School

812 11th Avenue NW • Moultrie , GA 31768 229-890-6189 • Dr . Fred Smith , Prinicipal Mission Statement :
To Provide A Community of Supports to ALL Students , Ensure a Safe Learning Environment , & Equip ALL Students with Strategies for a Successful Transition Beyond the Junior High Level !
The MCJROTC Drill Team competed in Drill Nationals . The young men & women practicedhardevery day , maintained good grades & showed great leadership skills throughout the program & the community .
The Math Club had agreat time at the Kennedy Space Center ! They learned somuch about Math & Science & even got towatch arocket gooff to space !
Congratulations to our Choir on straight superior rankings atOrlando Fest ! Director , Dana Horne says , “ Proud is an understatement !”
Congratulations to twoofour 9thGrade VarsityBoys , Tennisplayers , Jack Taunton & Parker Anderson , forbeingpicked for 2nd Team , AllRegionat the # 1 Doubles Position !

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JULY 2023 MoultrieScene 105