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92 MoultrieScene JANUARY 2023
5signs that you ’ re ( finally ) ready to move into aseniors ’ residence
Are you wondering if you should move into aseniors ’ residence ? Here are five indications it may be time to take this step .
1 . Maintaining your property is a burden . Washing windows , clearing leaves , shoveling the driveway and mowing the lawn can take atoll . If you have to ask for help with most regular chores , or if you ’ re simply exhausted by them , living in a residence may prove to be a relief .
2 . You need daily support . If showering or bathing is strenuous and getting dressed is a struggle , you could improve your quality of life with the care services offered by most seniors ’ residences .
3 . Your loved ones are worried about your safety . Doyou tend to fall or forget to lock your doors ? Have you ever almost started a fire by leaving apot on the stove for too long ? Residences are places where safety is akey consideration . Youand your loved ones will sleep better knowing help is available if you need it .
4 . It ’ shard to eat ahealthy diet . Do you often eat frozen or canned meals ? If grocery shopping and cooking are major chores for you , remember that in a seniors ’ residence , you ’ ll have access to a variety of healthy meals every day .
5 . You want more opportunities to socialize . Do you long for lively conversations and enriching encounters ? In seniors ’ residences , there are many opportunities to make new friends .
To find your future home , contact Magnolia Manor at 1-855-540-LIFE ( 5433 ).
A Community of Life and Living !
MagnoliaManor South in Moultrie offers independentliving options for the retiree who desires acarefree home without maintenance and lawn worries . When abit more assistance isneeded , residents can easily transition to our Assisted Living program . Our caring staff is like family and ready to assist with anything our residents need .
Magnolia Manor South
3011 Veterans Parkway , Moultrie , GA31788 • 855-540-LIFE ( 5433 ) Visit Our Website ForMore Info www . magnoliamanor . com 658358-1