J . M . Odom Elementary School
2902 Sardis Church Road • Moultrie , GA 31788 229-324-3313 • Marlon Daniels , Prinicpal
OneTeam ... One Goal ... Continuously Inspiring Student Sucess !
Congratulationsto Odom ’ s , Teacherofthe Year , Mrs . Barry ! It was an honor to see your hard work and dedication recognized , Marlon Daniels , Principal is picturedwith Mrs . Barry .
Students enjoyed a visit from Rossman Apiaries to learn about Honeybees . They viewedan observation hiveand received a sample of honey .
A Veterans Day program , was presented in honor of saluting our Veterans , with the Honor Guard present and a demonstration of the 13folds of the United States flag . The elementary school choirs sung songs and guest speakers spoke and special music was also presented . Parents , Families & Friends alsoattended the program .
JANUARY 2023 MoultrieScene 89