Moultrie Scene January 2023 | Page 47


How to help houseplants survive a long winter

As fall gradually gives way to winter , gardeners expend ample energy preparing their flowers and plants for the months ahead . Plants may be pruned to increase the likelihood that they will return in full bloom come the spring , while lawns may be aerated so cool-season grasses can get the nutrients , water and oxygen they need when

the temperatures dip . But what about houseplants ? Do indoor houseplants need the same type of pre-winter TLC that outdoor plants need before winter arrives ?
As the seasons change , so , too , do the conditions outside . And those conditions affect indoor houseplants much like they do lawns , gardens and trees . So it ’ s vital that people with houseplants do not overlook the need to keep houseplants going strong as fall gives way to winter .
Location Hours of daylight shorten in winter , which means some houseplants won ’ t get as much sun as they were accustomed to over the last several months . That means plants may need to be relocated closer to windows where they can make the most of each day ’ s sunlight . However , it ’ s important that there ’ s ample distance between the plant and the window , especially when winter temperatures get especially cold . If the plants are too close to a window on cold days , they could freeze . Keep them close enough to the windows to get ample sunlight but far enough away so they don ’ t get too cold . In addition , keep plants away from drafty windows as well as heating vents , as extreme temperatures are not conducive to healthy houseplants .
Watering Watering needs also may change when the temperatures drop . The indoor plant experts at Pistils Nursery in Oregon note that all houseplants need less water in winter . In fact , overwatering in winter can be especially harmful to indoor plants . Plant owners can try decreasing the frequency of their watering by half each winter and see how the plants respond .
Cleaning Cleaning plants is another way to help them survive a long winter . Dust settles in many homes in winter , when windows tend to remain closed for months on end and fresh air isn ’ t circulating around the house as much as it is in spring and summer . Pistil ’ s Nursery notes that dust inhibits a plant ’ s ability to photosynthesize , thus compromising its ability to make it through a winter unscathed . Better Homes & Gardens recommends using a soft-bristle paintbrush , a toothbrush or pipe cleaner to remove dust from African violets and other fuzzy-leafed plants . Gently washing plants with a paper towel or cloth that ’ s been moistened with water can remove the dust . Oils and polishes should not be used to make leaves shine , as these substances can block pores on the plant .
Houseplants may need some extra attention in winter as hours of daylight dwindle and indoor conditions make it hard for plants to survive . n


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JANUARY 2023 MoultrieScene 47