Moultrie Scene January 2023 | Page 39

| health |

Air travel tips : flu season

Are you planning to fly during flu season ? Here are some helpful tips to avoid contracting or spreading the virus when you take to the skies .

• Maintain impeccable hand hygiene . This applies both on and off the plane . Sinks aren ’ t always accessible . Therefore , keeping a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your carry-on luggage or purse is a good idea .
• Avoid borrowing potentially contaminated items . Avoid asking for a pillow or blanket on the plane . Other people with the flu may have used these items . Instead , bring your own pillow , blanket or travel kit .
• Stay hydrated . You ’ re more vulnerable to infection if your nose and throat are dry . Drink water or fruit juice fortified with vitamin C , or chew sugar-free gum to keep your mouth moist .
• Be respectful of others . If you ’ re sick and cannot postpone your trip , take steps to protect other passengers . For example , disinfect your hands often , cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing ( or , better yet , wear a surgical mask ) and touch as few surfaces as possible .
Depending on where you ’ re going , you may need to visit a travel health clinic a few weeks before you leave to get the appropriate vaccinations and purchase health insurance . Enjoy your trip ! n
JANUARY 2023 MoultrieScene 39