Moultrie Scene January 2022 | Page 87

> Hot flashes tend to occur most often during the first few years of menopause .
However , their frequency and intensity vary from person to person .

What you should know about hot flashes

Menopause can produce a wide range of symptoms , but the most well-known is hot flashes . Here ’ s a close look .

Causes Hot flashes are caused by hormonal changes that occur during menopause . Estrogen , for example , a hormone that helps regulate body temperature , decreases during this phase of life . Consequently , nearly three-quarters of people undergoing menopause experience hot flashes .
Description Hot flashes can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes and often occur without warning . They ’ re mainly felt in the chest , neck and face . However , hot flashes can also be accompanied by flushing , sweating , chills and heart palpitations .
Solutions Hot flashes can disrupt daily activities and impact a person ’ s quality of life . Therefore , it ’ s important to adopt healthy habits to minimize their effects . For example , you should :
• Avoid foods and beverages that trigger hot flashes
• Wear light , breathable , loose-fitting clothes
• Stay cool using ice packs , fans and other solutions
• Engage in activities that relieve stress
• Quit smoking
If you ’ re finding it difficult to manage your menopause symptoms , it ’ s a good idea to consult a health care professional . There are both hormonal and non-hormonal treatments that can help ease your symptoms .
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