Moultrie Scene January 2022 | Page 36

Gardening venture grows audience on YouTube
| Lazy Dog Farm |

LazyDog Farm

Gardening venture grows audience on YouTube

by Katherine Russell | photos courtesy of Lazy Dog Farm

As folks who live in an area defined culturally and economically by agriculture , the people of our region tend to like to get their hands in the soil . If we didn ’ t grow up with a backyard garden , we probably know someone who did – and this closeness to the earth , to the source of our own nourishment , is twined with our history and our heritage . With the national resurgence of interest in food sovereignty , kindled in part by concerns about our changing climate and repercussions from the global pandemic , more and more folks are getting back to their roots and back to the basics by seeking to grow a share of their own food . Travis and Brooklyn Key of Lazy Dog Farm , located out near Funston , are two such people – though they ’ ve been in the game long enough to have some tricks to teach the rest of us .

I first learned about Lazy Dog Farm while searching for local produce during a visit home
a few years ago . Lucky enough to discover their weekly CSA ( community supported agriculture ) produce-share program online , I signed up for a couple of boxes , and was most impressed by the quality and flavor of the vegetables I received .
Though the CSA program ceased last year , due to reasons that we ’ ll cover in this interview , the Key family has found another way to share the bounty of their land : they record and share their adventures in the garden via their YouTube channel and other social media outlets , where they are swiftly building a community of curious and like-minded gardeners . In this wide-ranging interview , we discuss the early days of the farm , stories from the realm of the YouTube gardener , some favored produce varieties , kids in the garden , why the Keys decided to start growing their own food , unexpected and delightful connections made online , and more !
This interview has been edited for length and clarity .
36 MoultrieScene JANUARY 2022