MotorPunk January 2014 | Page 58

we need is a big sturdy building (with adequate parking for with bottled drinks and snacks. Alcohol would be required for sterilizing and dressing wounds; it’s also been well known since medieval times that brewed ales are often much safer to drink than unmaintained water supplies. To keep up morale our merry band of survivalists will also need amusements to help pass the time (darts, pool, cribbage, quiz nights, skittles etc.). I think we all know where I’m going with this. After camping out in the lounges of your favourite rural gastro-pub for a few weeks you should be able to come out and resume your normal lives. The reality of zombie plagues is that they blow over quite quickly - you can’t always believe the hype to be absolutely ravenous, and will relentlessly chase potential of nibbles! - just enough in fact, to infect the poor victim and free lunch I can tell you! Zombies don’t do diets. In reality, a zombie is a simple beast who will gobble up tank: after a few weeks your local parish will contain just one enormous zombie, who probably can’t run very fast, and could be easily run over by a large customised Land Rover. 58 | MotorPunk January 2014