had naively left unattended. It would have all
been worth it if only we’d caught on camera
the moment Ed from the Ring of Fire got back
him from the back seat – he almost jumped
clean through the roof.
Later that day team Curry in a Hurry actually
did manage to crash through their roof after
performing an unscheduled excursion in to
the jungle, emerging amazingly unscathed
apart from a missing windscreen. Team Raj
meanwhile managed a rally ending crash when
they took on a rock face and lost. The front
wheel of their rickshaw had ended up inside
the driver’s compartment. In times like this
more tea than China we were expecting an
epic cuppa. The local style though took a
bit of getting used to: instead of water they
used hot milk and instead of one sugar they
paste welding our jaws shut we climbed
Our journey had so far taken us through
frenzied city streets, dusty villages and coastal
tracks. As we pushed on further south we
known better. Due to the remoteness of the
and on many occasions we had to coax a few
more miles out of the rickshaws by siphoning
the fuel from one to another.
The last days of the trip were particularly
long with upwards of ten hours in the seat
and 8am starts to ensure we got to our re