motorhub Mar. 2015- May 2015 | Page 23

NOTICE BOARD FREELANCE JOBS! W e at MotorHub would like you take this journey with us; our goal is to produce content tailor-made for you—exactly what you want, when you want it. To do that, we need your help. MotorHub is the first magazine by the readers, for the readers. Dictate what ends up in the magazine— be one of our freelance writers; no deadlines, no topics, no qualifications needed, no pressure. We only require passion and English Literacy. As long as its car related, you write it and provided it meets our standards, we’ll publish it. The best part, you get paid per article published as soon as it goes to print. To become one of our freelance writers, head over to our facebook page Like it and you’ll get access to the forms. But I’m not a writer! You can still contribute, if you are into photography, there’s a place here for you too. Snap it and watch it come to life within the MotorHub pages. To top it all off, we’ll credit your work in the magazine, this way, you just might get a call about a full time job somewhere. If you’re not any good at photography either, we can work something out, if you are familiar with any of the software in the Adobe suite related to photography and magazine design, head over to our page, like it and we’ll find a way for you to contribute and make a bit of money while at it. Welcome! Work at home On your own time See How This SPACE Got Your Attention! ADVERTISE HERE AD Full Page Half Page 1/3 page Quarter Page Double Spread Back Cover Inside Front / Back Page 3 Inside front/back spread Classifieds Discounts 1. First timers 2. Multiple Issues 3. Double Spread RATES (UGX) 1,400,000 910,000 650,000 500,000 2,700,000 1,675,000 1,540,000 1,600,000 2,900,000 150,000 5% (1/2Page & Full Page only) 10% (all but Classifieds & 1/4 Pg) 15% CALL 0777968699 0789525579 or E-mail [email protected] For more information Be a part of History Join the MotorHub fraternity today MotorHub Magazine 23 February 2015 Issue