It does not have to be
a nightmare…make the
most of it
leave the office before 4pm but if you’re
et entertainment accessories
not, then here’s a few things you can do to
Again, you need too keep busy and
f you live or work in and around Kam- make the whole ordeal a bit more bearable. distracted all through. buy yourself an
pala city, then traffic jam is a disease you
MP3 player (those things work in pretknow about all too well. It is the motorist’s
uy a Comfortable Car
ty much any car) and load up on all your
most dreaded part of the day and perhaps
The only thing that’ll make sitting in favorite music. You can have your phone
the only time of day you’ll ever look out the traffic worse than it is supposed to be is do- (smart-phone) with you and use that to
window and envy the pedestrian walking ing so in an uncomfortable car; probably play games, listen to music, watch that
past your car with no care in the world. with no air conditioning, head rests, arm trailer everyone’s been talking about; but
Even when you sit in a taxi, you will suffer rests and the like. You can always invest in whatever you do, you cannot let yourself
as well. There’s no two ways about it, traf- a few things like cushions and padded seat sit still for a moment. There are a number
fic jam sucks. If you are fortunate enough covers to try and make sitting in one spot of shops that deal exclusively in in-car acto be your own boss, then you should for hours more bearable.
ISSUE #2 Jun - Sept