Motorcycle Explorer September 2016 Issue 13 | Page 63

Mountain roads in Peru are fighting a constant battle with mother nature. The terrain is steep and unstable and every year the rainy season creates damage on the roads. We were travelling from the village of Charat to Huancay on a remote empty road with prickly pear fruit trees along the roadside. As we came around a corner on the muddy road we could see a front loader working on the road. There had been a landslide and the road was covered in debris. We didn’t have to wait long for the loader to carve a path through the mud for us to pass. We stopped to talk to the operator who asked us where we were going and where we had come from so we showed him our map. He asked us if we had had an opportunity to try some of the local fruits and since we had not he opened up his bag and gave us some fruit to try. Such generosity and kindness.