Motorcycle Explorer May 2016 Issue 11 | Page 66

Tyres .

The most obvious and also the most neglected of the motorcycle checks . These two black rubber rings are all that keeps you upright . Respect them . If you don ’ t know the tyre pressures , check your swingarm for a sticker , your handbook or a few minutes on google . Get those tyres at the correct pressure .
A visual inspection takes a minute . Check for obvious damage such as punctures or where the dog has been chewing on it . You should be looking for any foreign objects in the tyre , you know like nail heads jutting out of your rubber , this tends to be a bit of a no no in the tyre game
Looking at your life saving grip I ’ d have a look at the wear pattern as this really does have an impact on how your bike will handle . Has the rear tyre ‘ squared off ’? This is when the mid tread wears down and often caused by many motorway miles . Have a look at the wear indicators on your tyres ... yes , most bike tyres have wear indicators and you need 1mm of tread to be legal in the UK but that is the red line and not the goal ! While you ’ re down there ! Have a look at the wheel also and check the spokes and rims for any damage .
Ted ’ s Tip : Keep a pressure gauge and 12v pump stashed on the bike with a puncture kit . Write down your tyre pressures on the wheel rim with a Tipex pen if like me , you can ’ t retain information . “ But I don ’ t have a 12v port !”, get one but you will also find that just about every car does ! So if you have a flat and there is a car driver about you can ask . Getting a 12v fitted doesn ’ t cost much but we can talk about that another time .

Battery .

The cause of infinite headache seasoned rider out there . Sadly need constant maintenance if y a good few years . If you ’ ve had a the winter then you will probab to you . You can turn the key and of times and then in a couple of has been left all winter without c a multimeter this is almost imp the battery is in but you can loo around the terminals .
On a load test with the multimet ( 20 volt range ). Place the leads to to-positive ( red ) and negativemetre as you start your bike and volts it needs to be replaced ... n
Teds tips . A battery cha biker ’ s shortlist . The reliable . Go the extra fiv A good battery will give