Motorcycle Explorer June 2015 Issue 6 | Page 110

Aussie explorer Peter Maddox switches the dusty outback for the snow banks of the Andies. Taking on the Andes I call it the Big White Boa Constrictor and I ended up crossing it 26 times by the time I got to Colombia. I am only a boilermaker farmer and this is my first try at writing for my diary. . I have many more articles if you wish, some amazing events that happened on the way. Once again thank you for letting me try for your mag. When I read this from Peter I was stunned! This is one of the reasons that I went out and set up MEM. You don't need to be a professional writer to tell a story and there are so many amazing stories out there. Peter is a humble man with a world of work behind him and a shed full of tales. I'm so glad that Peter got in touch but he and others out there are sat on pure gold! We are a community of riders worldwide and with somewhere to share those stories we can inspire, entertain or educate while having a laugh and joke – not that much more to it than that! MEM wants and needs to hear from people like you ... and our readers do to! Yours in gratitude James Editor Motorcycle Explorer Magazine [email protected]