Motorcycle Explorer February 2015 Issue 4 | Page 219

Guidelines en to all traffic, fied roads and vehicles and personnel. tions given to you / MOD staff and be ternative route if , horse riders and ed to stop your engine your vehicle are ular access on SPTA is subject to the same to all public roads track. Areas of SPTA are d to go beyond defined ould be extremely e is not obvious contact d unobtrusive pace and ups keep to a small x bikes maximum. split up and use er than using the same excessive damage • A speed limit of 30 mph is operated on MOD roads and it is strongly recommended that this is limited to 20 mph when travelling on PROW • Pay attention to “The Four Ws”: Weather – do not travel on PROW during or following periods of extreme weather as they risk being damaged beyond a point of natural recovery. Remember that not all routes are appropriate for vehicle use at all times Weight – Do not use PROW that may be seriously damaged by the wheel pressure of your vehicle Width – Do not use PROW that are too narrow for your vehicle. Avoid damage to trees, hedgerows and boundaries Winches – The use of winches on PROW is inappropriate and should not be required • Follow the Countryside Code • Remember that wildlife faces many threats and PROW can be valuable habitats. Take special care in spring and early summer